Thursday, December 29, 2005

January 2006 "Chat Page"

Linda Harrison is retiring from the Macon County Health Department with 30 years of dedicated service. Congratulations Linda for a job well done. I hope this means you can ride and camp more!!

Congratulations go out to Rose Goyette. She got a horse for Christmas! No words could express the look in her eyes. May she have many happy trails!!

We are putting together a camping trip for February. We are looking into Hard Labor Camp ground in Ga. Near Athens. They have 20 miles of trails and a nice Equine camp area with stalls.If you are interested give me a call and let me know. Darrell and Janet Adam's can give you information too.

Our next meeting is Jan. 12th at the bank in Hayesville. Starting at 7 pm. Hope you can come! Jan. is the time of the year we all need to pay our club dues. If you joined in Oct.,Nov., or Dec.. You are good for 2006. Let's try to remember to send your dues in as it helps pay for this newsletter and mailings. You can mail to Donna Gains 486 Double Knobs Drive Hayesville, NC 28904 or pay at the next meeting. Thanks!

I have been unable to get up with the guy about the tee shirts. I will get someone to look into getting them here local and the prices. Hopefully we will have some news about this at the next meeting.

We are going to drop the first web site the club has. It is the (geocites)one. It cost $5.00 a month which I have paid. The blog that Bob Harrison made us is so much nicer and it is free, so please start checking the blog site from now on

I hope everyone made a New Years resolution to be a better horseman, to always look for better ways to care for our horses and understand that they are our partners in this wonderful adventure we share with them.

Arnold Monkus has hay for sale and he will deliver. Call (828) 389-4491 evenings or (828) 739-3077 day time.

Lois Tomas is helping with the newsletter and chat page. You can call her at work at (828) 389-8431 or home (828) 389-0081. We need more input for this newsletter. Also we can put an ad in here if you are selling something. If you have a good story to tell, please let us know. Because our web site is linked with others this chat page is read by lots of people. So get involved. Write a story about a trip you took, or a great ride you had. If you read a good story you want to share or some good health tips, let us know!Thanks.

You can leave a comment at any time by clicking on the underline where it (usually) says "0 comments. " It is a great way to communicate back and forth among club members. The comments were getting spammed so I turned on some verification stuff. If you have any problems, you can call me at (828) 524-6950 or email me at --Bob

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