Wednesday, June 07, 2006

June 2006 Newsletter

Hello Everyone,

Where did May go! I want to say how sorry I am for the lack
of work that has been done on the club these last few months.
Most of you know I have MS and it has been acting up which
causes me to forget things and makes me very fatigued. Also
I'm a grandma again, my daughter had a baby boy "Adam". It
has been a merry go round since. Kristi got the after baby
depression and I have been with her since. So please hang in
there we will get this club going again with our family rides and
some planned events. Please try to come to our next meeting as
there are issues that need to be addressed. June 8th at the bank.

This weekend is our Trail Trotters Day. Please come and help
clean up Bristol Horse Camp and those that want to can sign a
pole. The new high ties are up and we need to take pictures of
everyone in there tee shirts that will be handed out with a goodie
bag from ELCR. So please plan to come, bring a lunch and
spend a day with good friends for a good cause. There will be
people camping for the weekend so if you are interested let
Darrell Adams know and he can give you all the info. We will
start at 10 a.m. on Sat. June 3rd.

Those of you that know my little dog Dinkie, I wanted to let
you know he is up with all those wonderful pets we have been
blessed to have. He was 14 yrs old and had a stroke. It was hard
to let him go.

Please try to make our meeting on June 8th and help get this
club back to running.


Happy Trails, Esther

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