Happy Autumn!
Aren't the leaves and the mountains beautiful? We had a great ride at Whetstone Horse Camp. Donna Gains had a fall and spent the night in the hospital. But by the Grace of God she had no broken bones. Gave me a few more gray hairs!!
Joyce stayed with her at the hospital and Amber was entertained by everyone back at the camp ground. We give Amber the TRUE GRIT award this month as she was able to hold on and
help her Grandmother though a terrifying ordeal. Glad all turned out ok. Special THANKS to Bn and Harriet for driving Donna and Amber and horses and rig home from SC.
The next meeting is Nov.9th at 7 pm at the bank. We will be voting
for our officers for the club. Please try to attend.
Also please mark your calenders for Dec. 14th. That is our Christmas Party, starting at 6 pm. Everyone bring a dish and a gift for a child unwrapped please. The club will make the turkey
and ham. Please plan to come has we have so much fun and it's a good way to get to know other members of the club.
All dues will be due in Jan 2007. If you joined in Oct-Dec of2 006, you will be carried over. We are making a new phone list that will be out in Jan. It will be of all the members for 2007.
Happy Trails, Esther
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