Hello Everyone,
Wow, what a great club this is. We have had
such a good year. Our club has grown so
much.Thank you all for a wonderful year. I have
to say it is great to see so many of you getting
involved with the club. With your help we can plan
a year of fun things to do.
Our first meeting for 2007 is on Jan. 11th at the
bank in Hayesville, starting at 7 pm.
St.Jude has called me about another ride for this
year, I want you to be thinking about this as we will
vote as to whether we do this. Also ATHA has
asked me to do an offical ATHA Ride.They are in
with RFD-TV and will have their rides listed on there.
This is a good way to meet other riders and learn more
about Trail Riding. I hope you all will think about coming
to this ride. Barbara & Charlie Kissling and Donna have
offered to help me with this adventure so it should be a
great weekend. I will be letting everyone know more as
we pick a date and place.
A BIG thank you to Barbara Crose for all her hard work
and time in decorating our Christmas Party Room and
the oranges.Phil was a great help, too.
I ask that we all keep Wendy Spiva and family in our
prayers.Gene, her husband, has been very ill and they
need our thoughts and prayers. Also, Wendy will have
to let her lovely, sweet horse Lacy, go soon because her
legs have given out on her and the pain is just too bad. We
feel for you Wendy,as we know how hard it is. I'm sure it
would help to send Wendy a card:
Wendy Spiva
PO Box 1038
Hiawassee, Ga. 30546
Lawrence Beal is having a County Mounties meeting
Jan. 10, at 7:30 pm at Moss Library in Hayesville, if
you are interested, please come.
Hoping we all have a GREAT NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!
Happy Trails,
Sunday, December 31, 2006
January 2007 Newsletter
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
December 2006 Newsletter

Hello Everyone,
What a year it has been! I hope this next one will bring peace and happiness to you all. We have new officers now, I'm still pres., Randall Parker is vice pres., Tiffany Parker is our secretary, Donna Gains is treasurer, and Darrell Adams and Charles Kissling are our board members. Please remember to say thanks to our out going officers and welcome in out new ones. It's not just one person that keeps this club going, we are a whole club, and everyone has a say. Thank you all for your support.
With sadness I pass on to everyone that Larry Gilifillian, lost his brother, our deepest sympathies go out to you and your family. Also to Gary Bradley, in the loss of his father. Again we pray for God's Grace to carry you though this and know our prayers are with you.
A real BIG thanks to all that gave so freely to help Donna out. It just is great to see so many people coming together and helping another. Donna is very overwhelmed with your kindness and I'm sure she will speak with all of you, I just wanted to say thanks also for the awesome response. God Bless You All!
Christmas Party is Dec. 14th at 6:00. Please call with what you want to prepare so we don't get all the same food. I have planned another fun night so please plan to attend.
The Family Ride will be Dec.16th at Hunters Camp, we will do the Leatherwood Loop as the Trail is much safer. Randall Parker and Carl are our trail bosses. Be there and ready to ride be 10 am. Call if you need more information.
The club is planning lots of fun and interesting things for this next year, so please remember to pay your dues on time (in Jan) is when they are due. All you new members, try to come to this family ride, it is a nice easy one!
Saturday, November 04, 2006
November 2006 Newsletter

Happy Autumn!
Aren't the leaves and the mountains beautiful? We had a great ride at Whetstone Horse Camp. Donna Gains had a fall and spent the night in the hospital. But by the Grace of God she had no broken bones. Gave me a few more gray hairs!!
Joyce stayed with her at the hospital and Amber was entertained by everyone back at the camp ground. We give Amber the TRUE GRIT award this month as she was able to hold on and
help her Grandmother though a terrifying ordeal. Glad all turned out ok. Special THANKS to Bn and Harriet for driving Donna and Amber and horses and rig home from SC.
The next meeting is Nov.9th at 7 pm at the bank. We will be voting
for our officers for the club. Please try to attend.
Also please mark your calenders for Dec. 14th. That is our Christmas Party, starting at 6 pm. Everyone bring a dish and a gift for a child unwrapped please. The club will make the turkey
and ham. Please plan to come has we have so much fun and it's a good way to get to know other members of the club.
All dues will be due in Jan 2007. If you joined in Oct-Dec of2 006, you will be carried over. We are making a new phone list that will be out in Jan. It will be of all the members for 2007.
Happy Trails, Esther
Friday, September 29, 2006
October 2006 Newsletter
Hello Everyone,
We had a very good meeting in Sept., Dr. Jim Yanchunis was our speaker and we all enjoyed his visit. We had 43 people and 5 new members. Our member that lives the furthest is Al and
Symphony Graves from Collinsville, Al. Welcome to all our new members.
We had a great turnout at the clubs first yearly picnic at Bristol Horse Camp. We had 35 riders and a lot of campers. It was a huge success. We had a greenhorn with us, Fred Kissling, Charlie's brother. He got our "True Grit" award for riding everyday and not a word of complaining. He got ribbed by us all and was a true cowboy. Thanks for being with us Fred. You can come ride with us anytime!!
We did have our few mishaps, Larry Gillifillan broke his collar bone and had to have surgery a few days after. Hope your feeling better Larry. Tracey Nickolson had a fall with her horse,
and, being the trooper she is, she rode her horse back to camp with a broken saddle and a few minor cuts on the horses legs. Glad it turned out ok.
We will be planning another gathering next year! Our next meeting is Oct 12th at 7 pm at the bank. Our speaker is Donnie Allen, he will giving us some information on accidentinsurance. He writes polices for Combined Insurance Company. This is insurance to help pay your bills if you are hurt and can not work. Good thing to have! Please plan to attend and invite a friend. Our meetings are always open to anyone.
We are camping on Oct.26-30 at Whetstone Horse Camp in SC. If you want to come please call me or Donna Gains, for more information.
We had a good turnout at the last family ride at Buck Creek. Randall Parker was our trail boss and all I've heard was what a great person he is and how considerate he was to everyone there. Thanks Randall!!
If anyone is interested in having a" fun day "the first week or two in Nov. Let me know. I have places that have offered to let us set up for a fun day of games and training. We need to get on this fast so check your calenders.
Happy Trails,
Monday, August 28, 2006
September 2006 Newsletter
Hello Everyone,
I'm very excited about our speaker for this month. He is a
mobile vet. from Franklin. He will be talking about wound care.
His name is Dr. Jim Yanchunis. Please invite all your horse
friends to the meeting. It is Sept. 14th at 7 pm at the bank.
Also, we will be having our club picnic over the Labor Day
weekend, at Bristol Horse Camp in Fires Creek. Some will be
camping the weekend but the picnic is Sat. At 5pm at the horse
camp. Everyone should receive an invitation. Please try to come
and spend the day. We will have games to play and some gifts to
give away. If you need anymore information please call me.
I have also sent out an e-mail about the bill in congress right
now to stop the slaughter of horses for human consumption and
other purposes. The Bill is H.R.503; please call your elected
officials, President Bush, Sen. Dole, Sen. Burr, Sen. Taylor, and
let them know how you feel about this. It is up to us to protect
these animals that we all love. They will be gone from history
before we know it, so please act now!
We have had a very unexpected tragic accident that took the
life of Charles Kissling's son Michael. We all send our heart felt
prayers and love in this time of loss. We pray God will see you
through this and want you to know we will be there if you need
us. May God's grace comfort you and your family.
As summer comes to a close, please be very careful of the bee's
There have been too many bad accidents lately from bee's. They
seem very agitated this year!
Happy Trails,
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Protesting Horse Murder

From Willie Nelson:
Folks, America has a dirty little secret and it's not that little.
Horses have always been an American symbol of freedom. Their loyal, relentless work is what made this country. They are the living legends of American history. So why is it that we are allowing nearly 100,000 horses to be slaughtered annually in America for human consumption in slaughter houses that are foreign owned? It must be because we didn't know.
Even worse, the treatment of horses going to slaughter is most often inhumane. They suffer injuries in overcrowded trailers, abuse by handlers, and they are often conscious during acts of mutilation and slaughter. It's like stepping on the American Flag.
The passage of the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act (H.R. 503 and S. 1915) would put in place a permanent and immediate ban on both the slaughter of horses in the U.S. and the exportation of live horses for slaughter abroad.
Now that you know, make your voice be heard. Join Jennifer Pryor, The Barbi Twins, Bo Derek, and my family on Capitol Hill Sept. 5th, 2006 to support the bill that will be introduced and voted on Sept. 7th.
Call or write your representatives today, and tell your friends and neighbors to do the same. Please go to http://www.saplonline.org/horses.htm.
It's time for the cowboys to stand up for the horses.
Sincerely, Willie Nelson
Friday, August 11, 2006
August 2006 Newsletter
Have a lot to say this month. If you did not get an invitation
to Hurricane Farms for Aug the 12th, this is to inform you that
the club has been invited to a open house. It will be from 1pm to
5pm. If you want to come and need directions please call me or
Randall Parker. Please try to attend, this is a real nice farm and
it should be a great way to meet other horse people.
We did good on our yard sale considering the stuff we had.
The club made $140.00. We were nickle and dime'ng at the end.
We will be having speakers again starting in Sept. so I hope
you check your newsletter to see who we will have.
I hear from our committee on family entertainment, that there
will be a cook out at Bristol Horse camp and a camp over the
weekend of Labor day. The cook out will be Sat. At 5pm and
the riding will be all day. You will get an invitation soon, so
mark your calendars.
Those of you that have not got your St. Jude stuff or Trail
Trotters stuff, I will bring it all to the family club picnic on
Labor Day weekend.
There will be elections for new officers in Oct. So please be
giving it a thought.
I'm looking for people to write a story for the newsletter
every month. It can be about horse care, or a neat ride you went
on, anything will do. It doesn't have to be long, just something
different for our newsletter. Also if you know someone that
would come be a speaker, let me know. I'm sure you all can
think up something.
Stay safe out on the trails and watch out for bee's, Joe's horse
got stung and he was a rodeo rider for awhile. Glad your ok
Happy Trails, Esther
Friday, July 07, 2006
Family Ride Dates
Type | Month | Destination |
E | August | Leatherwood Jeep Trail |
E | September | |
E/M | October | Standing Indian (Hurricane Loop; possible to tie to Blackwell Loop in this ride) |
M | November | Standing Indian (Big Indian |
A | December | Fires Creek (Phillips Ridge) |
Easy- Generally good footing with easy to moderate climbs. Average skill level/ conditioning for horse and rider.
Please call Darrell Adams 389-6690 or Joe Shook 389-0670 for more information.
All rides will be leaving the parking area at
July 2006 Newsletter
Summer is here. Happy 4th of July!! Hope everyone had a great weekend.
I hope everyone is planning to attend the next meeting which is July 13th at 7 pm at the bank. We will be forming a committee to plan some kind of a fun event for the club. So please bring your ideas.
It has come to my attention that there was an article in the newspaper that stated the club was sponsoring a kids club. I know we have talked about it since Dec. Lois thought the club had said it was for the 4-H kids. It was a mistake to say the club was a sponsor and there will be a retraction in the newspaper on July 13th.
I want everyone to please come to the meeting so we can talk about the rumors going around. I make mistakes. I have never been a president of anything and need your help to keep things going. I have NEVER intended to do anything but make this club a success.
Please come to me about your questions concerning the club as I am very open to any help. I don't see every view as others do and when shown a different side I can see where I may have done something a better way. So all I ask is come and lets get this out in the open. I don't want people to have hard feelings towards me and I sure don't want to feel that way either.
Thursday, July 06, 2006
July 2006 "Chat Page"
Have you heard about NAIS and are you ready? The National Animal Identification System is planning to make every horse owner(there is a list of other animals too) register your animal so they can track your moves. It was thought that it would help with monitoring disease control and overseas sales of American grown meat products. Currently the federal program is described as voluntary, but states are implementing their own versions, some of which are mandatory. There is much here that needs to be examined and ultimately decided by the people that will be affected by it-the American public.
Under NAIS, the owner of each animal will be required to report that animal’s movements to the government. This means every time you take your horse off your property you will have 24 hours to file a report as to where and why you moved that horse. A ride across a neighbor’s land, for instance, would require you to file a report of your horse leaving and returning to your land, as well as a report of it entering and leaving the neighbor’s. Vets would also be reliable to report those owners that done have their horse registered. If fully adopted and implemented, the likely outcome of NAIS is that animal ownership increasingly will become limited to large commercial entries that can afford to comply and who are willing to accept the governmental intrusion. There is a Coalition Against Animal ID, their web site is www.libertyark.net It has lots more information about this and I urge you to look into this.
Linda Harrison lost her doggie “Byron” last week. We can all sympathize with her as we all have lost a dear friend and companion. Our hearts go out to you Linda.
The yard sale is July 15th at Mt Valley Feed Store. It will start at 8:30 and go till 1pm. Please go though your stuff and donate some saleable things. Any helpers who would like to work for an hour or two let me know.
Our next Family ride is July 16th, ( due to the yard sale) at Tuni Gap. If you need directions please call Darrell Adams at 389-6690. Be there at 9:30 to ride out at 10:00.
Our next meeting is July 13th, please plan to attend.
The Trail Trotters Day was a huge success and everyone deserves a Big pat on the back. We are in the running for the best program. It takes the work of all of you to make a difference. Thank you again for all your hard work. We had logged over 300 hours.
Friday, June 30, 2006
More Horse Murder
A mustang foal basks in the sunlight at the Wild Horse Foundation in Franklin while his mother, a former wild mustang, grazes nearby. Photo by Jessica Hawley
Once federally protected animal may again be harvested
By Jessica Hawley - Staff Writer
'Congress finds and declares that wild free-roaming horses and burros are living symbols of the historic and pioneer spirit of the West,' states a congressional declaration dated Dec. 15, 1971.
Yet, in a surprising and highly protested move, Congress recently passed a bill that allows for the slaughter of the American wild mustang reportedly effective Wednesday, Jan. 5.
Republican Senator Conrad Burns of Montana introduced the one-page Rider #142 into the 3,000-page Federal Appropriations Bill HR 4848.
The rider changes the Wild Free-Roaming Horse and Burro Act of 1971, splitting the once federally protected wild horses and burros into two categories, those over 10 years old and those that have been to a minimum of three unsuccessful adoptions. In accordance with the rider's language, the federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is authorized to sell these animals to the highest bidder without regard for the buyer's intentions. . ."
Click here for the rest of the article.
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
June 2006 Newsletter
Where did May go! I want to say how sorry I am for the lack
of work that has been done on the club these last few months.
Most of you know I have MS and it has been acting up which
causes me to forget things and makes me very fatigued. Also
I'm a grandma again, my daughter had a baby boy "Adam". It
has been a merry go round since. Kristi got the after baby
depression and I have been with her since. So please hang in
there we will get this club going again with our family rides and
some planned events. Please try to come to our next meeting as
there are issues that need to be addressed. June 8th at the bank.
This weekend is our Trail Trotters Day. Please come and help
clean up Bristol Horse Camp and those that want to can sign a
pole. The new high ties are up and we need to take pictures of
everyone in there tee shirts that will be handed out with a goodie
bag from ELCR. So please plan to come, bring a lunch and
spend a day with good friends for a good cause. There will be
people camping for the weekend so if you are interested let
Darrell Adams know and he can give you all the info. We will
start at 10 a.m. on Sat. June 3rd.
Those of you that know my little dog Dinkie, I wanted to let
you know he is up with all those wonderful pets we have been
blessed to have. He was 14 yrs old and had a stroke. It was hard
to let him go.
Please try to make our meeting on June 8th and help get this
club back to running.
Happy Trails, Esther
June 2006 "Chat Page"
Congratulations to Wendy Spiva; her mare "Lacy" gave birth to a beautiful filly!
Donna Gains has a over the truck camper/loaded and ready to go for sale. Call her at (828) 389-1186
June the 10th is the next horse show at Union County Horse Club, if you have never been to their show it is a fun event. Sign up is 11am and the show starts at noon.
We had a few members at the last show in Blairsville. Pat Maddox placed with Folly in a few events. Sharon Goggins had Jude in a couple events and she got a ribbon, Donna Gains took her Gelding for his first show and did real good with him, it was his first after getting back from the trainer. He is 2 yrs. old. Betty Weir was kind to work the concession stand, which was very busy. Good job girls!!
I am still looking for help with fencing for Rose to keep Sammy closer to her. We as a club have voted to sponsor her and help where we can, so after talking to a CPA, we can offer a tax receipt from our club to anyone that wants to donate stuff to get this donated land fenced. We do have a tax number and as a non profit club we can work with up to $5,000.00 before we would have to pay taxes. I hope this has explained this as some people thought what we offered was not right. Feel free to call me if you have any more questions about this as I am not a lawyer but have talked with one about this matter.
I hope everyone can make the meeting June 10th, it has come to my attention that it may be better to mail the newsletters every month as people don=t always check their e-mail. We need to talk about this, I don=t want the club to suffer because people did not know about rides and events.
Monday, May 01, 2006
May 2006 Newsletter
Hello Everyone,
I'm here in
I think the shirts and other stuff are at the house and will be at the meeting. If you can not make the meeting I will get your stuff to you. Nine people earned all the goodies. Twenty three riders got tee shirts and pins. Do you think we should do this next year? Let me know!
The work on the Trail Trotters program is finished up at Bristol Horse camp. On June the 3rd. we will all meet up there and burn your name or horses name into a pole. It will be a clean up day also at camp and on the trails, so mark your calenders. Starting time will be
Our next meeting is May 11th at the bank in Hayesville. Hope to see you there!
Monday, April 10, 2006
April 2006 "Chat Page"
For sale: over truck camper, all the comforts of home. The camper is ready to go. Contact Donna Gains at (828)389-1186.
For sale: two tents, a camp stove (new in box), a double air flow bed in good condition, great for when company comes, very comfortable. Camper/van-has everything and it’s ready to go. There’s a port-a-potty new, if interested call, Sue or Larry at (706) 374-7605.
I’m still looking for any fence poles for the place to keep the horse for Rose on Cold Branch Rd.
Our next meeting is April 13th at 7 pm at the bank, Hope to see you all there and share the pictures of the ride and the work at Bristol Horse camp.
Get better soon Peggy G. We miss you!!!!!!!
Thanks so much to Joe Shook and his crew for all the hard work they put in up at Bristol Horse camp. Joe had to give up a few days of campaigning to head up this job. Best of luck to you Joe! Everyone please remember to vote May 2nd.
Looking for a used light weight saddle. Call Esther at (828) 389-3434
Thursday, April 06, 2006
April 2006 Newsletter
Well I have great news for you all. The St. Jude Ride was a
huge success ! Our little club earned more then $3,000.00!!
We had 23 riders and I think everyone had a good time. I'm so proud of this club. We had helpers signing up people and trail bosses to watch for the safety of the group. I thank all of you for such a wonderful day. Just think, your hard work may be the money needed to save a child's life. God Bless you all!
We also gave out some gifts after the ride, the lucky winners were Sharon Goggins, Judy Greenstone, Wendy Devine, Charlie Devine, Donna Wright, Paula Wilde, and Rose Goyette. We met new riders, Amanda Harper, from Andersons Cowboy Store in Blairsville, Nora Starks from Brasstown, Jenny Ingmire on her 23 yr old palomino, and guess who rode the whole loop for the first time Judy Bundy. Thanks to Paula Wilde for helping get Judy over the fear of riding after a fall. You both did a great job!! Judy Greenstone got to ride the loop with her daughter Suzanne, it was good to see them riding together in their "chinks". Bud Ashe rode a mule that was the cutest thing, everyone enjoyed seeing him ride that mule, thanks Bud. Oh, I could go on and on, it was just a great day!!
Our project for Trail Trotters is done up at Bristol Horse Camp. The high ties are up and they look great. Some riders stopped to say how good we did and thanked us for getting rid of those stalls. A big thanks to Joe Shook and his crew. We will have a great day on June the 3rd. And clean up the camp and sign our poles.
Happy Trails, Esther
Monday, March 20, 2006
Horse Slaughter, Business, and National Forests
"Here is a very interesting article about the Thoroughbred Industry's objections to the horse slaughter issue raised recently in Ocala at an invitation-only meeting with Ric Keller, R-Orlando, a member of the Congressional Horse Caucus.
The Thoroughbred Industry says there isn't sufficient alternatives (such as OTTB adoption) and retraining facilities in place to handle the 65,000 horses a year that they produce which aren't suitable for the race track, which is why they want the slaughter to continue so the meat can be sold for consumption in Europe and Asia.
It also covers their concerns about needing illegal immigrants to provide "affordable labor" on their horse farms. They say they wouldn't be able to stay in business without being able to rely on the work of illegal immigrants.
And a very interesting mention is the recent decision by the US Government(without going through Congress) via the USDA to begin selling off sections of US National Forests. Nearly 1,000 acres of environmentally sensitive watershed lands in the Ocala National Forest is slated for sale-- land which is necessary to protect our water system.
Those in other states may want to check on the Government's plans to sell-off portions of the National Forests in your states, to cover the budget shortfalls producing by the Administration's questionable priorities of tax cuts for those who don't need them while selling off US assets and cutting back on services to those who need those services now more than ever before.
Read the entire article for more details:
Then contact the USDA and your Congressional Representatives to make your views on these important issues known. And please pass the word.
Monday, March 13, 2006
Equine A Cappella
"Click below and wait for the entire screen to load up with all four horses and a fence in front of them. Then click on each horse. Make sure your sound is on. Re-click on any horse to make it turn off or turn it back on again. Somebody did some real wizardry of programming to coordinate this! Try clicking on the horses from left to right then right to left then just one or two at a time... It's fun and a good stress reliever. Have fun!"
Sunday, March 05, 2006
March 2006 Newsletter
I'm here trying to put this together and camp out at Fires
Creek. We have had a great turn out for the meeting with
R.E.Vann, our local Forest Service Ranger. We formed a
partnership with them and set up our Trail Trotters program.
We have a committee headed by Joe Shook to get this program
going. They met out at Bristol Horse Camp March 1st. With
Steve Rollins the Ranger out at Fires Creek. They will give us a
report at the next meeting. You need to please come as we will
be asking members to donate a pole or cement towards fixing up
the horse camp.
March 18th is a Poker Ride at Dawsonville Forest put on by
GERL. The cost is $15.00 for the day. Some of us are going
over Thurs to camp the weekend. Need more information call
me or Darrell Adams.
April 1st is our St.Jude ride. We need people to work at the
tables registering riders and helping at the rest spots. If you can
collect before the ride it will made things a lot easier.
Mountain Valley Country Store did a H.O.W. clinic last
weekend. I hope you were able to come We learned a lot about
our horse care products. Thanks Chip!
Make sure you visit our sponsor page, as these people are
supporting our club. Also check out the chat page too!! We have
lots to sell and people looking for stuff.
Our next meeting is March 9th at 7 pm at the bank in
Hayesville. We have a lot going on and if you want to be a
part then please try to come or ask someone about the meeting.
It takes us all to make this a great club!
March 2006 "Chat Page"
FOR SALE: over the truck camper, has bathroom with shower and sink. Queen size bed, table that makes into another bed. Call Donna at (838)389-1186.
Boarding at Cozywoods Stables, call Randall Parker at (828) 389-9785
NEEDED! I have been given the use of 5 acres out on Cold Branch Rd. From Ed. Snowdon, for Rose to be able to keep Sammy near her house. I need any kind of fencing to make it possible for Rose to have Sammy near her. So if anyone has T -poles they want to donate or wire please call and I will come and pick them up. I will be looking for helpers to get this fence up for Rose!!
FOR SALE: Two horse/ trailer, call Joyce ( 706) 897-5965
Don't forget April 1st is our St.Jude Ride, bring a friend!! Fires Creek, Hunters Camp, 10 am.
Congratulations to Peggy Giddens on her new horse trailer and two new horses.!!!!!!
Thursday, February 09, 2006
They Kill Horses
From Slate magazine:
Congress and the Bush administration are fighting over horse-butchering.
American firms slaughtered 88,000 horses, mules, and related animals last year; Congress tried to stop it by defunding obligatory veterinary inspections, but the Agriculture Department plans to circumvent that restriction by asking slaughterers to fund the inspections.
Anti-slaughter outcries: 1) The department is "thumbing its nose at Congress." 2) It's a reign of "commerce and greed." 3) It's disgusting to kill animals that "served us faithfully and provided us with companionship."
Pro-slaughter arguments: 1) Nobody can afford to care for horses once they're useless. 2) Slaughtering them is humane, because the law requires us to render them impervious to pain beforehand. 3) If we don't slaughter them, Mexicans and Canadians will.
Bonus disclosure: Americans don't eat most of the meat from our slaughtered horses; Europeans and Asians do. (For Human Nature's take on animal rights, click here; for Slate's take on eating dogs, click here.)
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
February 2006 Newsletter
Also we are sponsors of a St. Jude Ride on April the first. It is a Sat. And it will be at Fires Creek. More information on that ride coming up. We can not advertise because the park said we would have to buy special insurance if we ran ads. So it will be word of mouth. Please bring ideas to next meeting.
We talked about a call the next person list for when we ride other then the family ride. I will have this list at the meeting or you can have it e-mailed to you. A lot of us ride during the week and plan to go the night before so this will help letting you that want on the list to be called.
There is a poker ride in March at Dawsonville Forest by the GERL. Some are going down on Thurs. Before the ride to camp but it is a one day trip also. If you are interested call me or Darrell Adams.
I'm so sorry to say we lost another horse. Joyce Robinson lost her horse Blaze. He was found on the pasture with a broken neck, the thought was something spooked the whole herd and Blaze fell. We are sorry Joyce for your loss.
Rose had a English saddle offered to her for as long as she needed it and I went to Some English tack shops and got her the stirrup leathers and stirrups. Thanks to Judy Kinnie for the loan of the saddle and the club for the rest.
Happy Trails, Esther
February 2006 "Chat Page"
Susan Martin has a beautiful gelding for sale, if your looking for a great horse please give her a call389-1084.
Mary Walker has yard eggs for sale, you can call her at 389-4926
Arnold Munkus has Hay for sale in Warne; his number is cell (828) 736-3077 or nights (828)389-4491
If you are a member of ATHA and want to start your 7 stamps of excellence let me know as I will be setting up the course out at Chunky Gal Stables. You have to be a member to take the stamps.
We still are looking for a clinic to have this year and a place to have it. Got any ideas, let me know!
If you want to sell or buy something let me know and we will run it in our chat page for you. We are always looking for tack, or trailers or a horse and who better to buy them from then our own club members.
Congratulations to Bob and Sharon Goggins, they were able to buy James trailer.
Sad that James and Ruth aren't coming camping with us but you never know, they might start up again one day.
Great News!! Judy Kinnie and her horse "Ron Man" aka (Please Don't Skip Zip)
Won championships in amateur Horsemanship, English, Hunter under Saddle and geldings. They won Reserve Championships in Trail and Western Pleasure and four championships in other divisions. As a result they were the All Around High Point Amateur for the state paint club in Ga. They won a silver buckle, two Directors chairs and a check for 1,050.00 dallors which will pay for their entries at the APHA World Championships in June. Go get them Judy and Ron !!!! They finished nationally number 17 in trail and number 16 in English Equitation!
The next meeting is February 9th at the bank in Hayesville. Start at 7 pm. Please try to come and support YOUR club!